First of all, I was very excited to see Neil Patrick Harris (Barney from How I Met Your Mother) appear in an episode of Glee last week. Funnily enough, I had no idea he could sing....
The Dream On episode was, I think, much better than the last few, which I found a little lacking considering how awesome the Madonna episode was. There was a little bit too much focus on main members of the Glee club and the teachers' romantic problems in particular, so it was nice to see the less prominent members of Glee get a little face time....
Though I must admit I do miss the episodes where Sue is prominent. She's an awesome character, the sort of character you love to hate...

In other exciting news, I'm writing a paperback at Scribbler's Abode with my wonderful partner Bryony, and we were just selected as Paperback of the Month! Yay!! What's a paperback, I hear you say? Well, the two of us take it in turns to write from the perspectives of our two characters, roleplay style.
Want to know what our paperback is actually about? Well, brace yourselves...
...Agatha Christie meets Jane Austen in Bath, 1830. Old loves and friendships are rekindled as Grace Wright's wealthy husband is murdered on the streets of the resort-city. Called in to investigate the murder is her childhood sweetheart Charles Punter, whose determination to get at the truth is fuelled by the threats to Grace's life. But as this perfect crime begins to unravel, Charles and Grace are left to solve an even more complicated mystery, one which will change their lives forever...
...dunn dunn dunn...
Interested? Read it here. (You have to be a member of Scribbler's to read it, I'm afraid. :)
Psst: want to know who I'm playing? The charming Charles Punter, of course! :D
I LOVE Sue!!