Tuesday, December 15, 2009

The Manor on the Moor: A Letter in the Gothic Style: Letter the Seventh

Letter the Seventh

To Mrs E— Kirk

1st December 18—

MY Darling E—,

I mentioned in my last letter that my tale is nearly complete. I am going now to Scotland, and thence to Ireland, and thence to – I know not where. The only thing I am sure of is that I am going with the best and dearest of girls, and when I return, I trust you will pay your dutiful and devoted respects to the new Mrs Jane Notingham.

As for myself, I shall always think of my darling girl as Miss Jane. I mentioned that I have very little to say before I set sail and close this tale forever, and it is this – that whether what I experienced is indeed the solid truth, or whether it is as one can imagine, part dream and part reality, I do not know for sure. I do know, however, that my dear girl is flesh-and-blood proof of my story. I love her better, my dear Sister, than I have loved any person in the world. The moor which surrounded my tale and which was the chief cause of it I will never seek out, and I trust no body every will. Though I know I have encountered and learned of the basest and the best parts of human nature, I would not recommend it for any other person in the world.

And now, farewell, dear Sister, until we meet again. I am going to travel the world and hopefully return a well-seasoned man, with a few children and a beloved wife in tow.

Be assured, dearest E—, that no matter how far we may travel, I and Mrs Notingham hold you ever devotedly in our hearts, and sign our names here and now, with the hope that you will accept our love and compliments, &c., forevermore.

Your Loving,

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